Psst… I have a secret.

I’m terrible at keeping secrets (just ask my family).

But this is a good one to share because I have discovered the secret to YOUR success.

So, why would I want to keep that to myself? (That would be selfish of me.)

It took me awhile to figure this secret out, and when I did, I was blown away about how SIMPLE it is.

Simple, like flipping a light switch.

Replace “I want to be” with “I am”.

That’s it.

Don’t stop reading yet. (There are steps to understanding and implementing this switch that are monumental to achieving success. I wouldn’t want you to miss the good stuff.)

Let me give you a real life example. I have been writing this blog for two years. For the  first 18 months, whenever I told people about my blog, I prefaced  it with “I want to be a writer”.

I was writing 2000-4000 words a month and publishing it for all the world to see. If that wasn’t a writer, what was? I was 20,000 words into writing my first book, yet I wouldn’t claim that title.

What gives?

I was doing what many of us do.  I placed my future ahead of me. I  painted magical “one day” air quotes, and that goal safely-set in someday, because I wouldn’t have to be accountable if it didn’t work out.

I was also working at a snails pace. Writing when I “felt like it” with no particular cadence. After all, it was in the future that I wanted to be a writer, right now I wasn’t.

Because Someday was not on my calendar.

 Pay Attention to the Secret Messages

Ever notice how the Universe sends you small, secret messages, over and over again,  to try to get you to pay attention?

I was ignoring them.

All of these amazing opportunities to fine-tune, develop and grow my craft. I was too busy “hoping” that my dream of being a writer would just one day arrive, like Ebenezer scrooge, and awaken me to the first day of the rest of my life.

What happened next flipped the switch for me.

The Universe (or Google, Alexa or Facebook analytics) placed a book in my feed called You are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One) by Jeff Goins. Chapter one was called: Claiming the Title. His advice to start calling myself a writer (and start acting like one with deadlines and goals) woke me up and I made one small change.

I began replacing the   “I want to be” with the  “I am”.

As a result,  a funny thing happened. I started acting like one.

I wrote regularly, and posted once a week. I advertised my blog and began publishing a weekly e-blast to my readers. I finished writing my book and contacted an editor and began editing the first draft.

I began ACTING like a writer, because I WAS a writer.

Someday was today. (Wow! How scary was that?)

Today, I had things to do, because I was a writer.

Subsequently, the things I was doing, increased my success. (This is the good stuff…take notes).

My behavior changed because my mindset changed. Not the other way around.

In other words, I was NEVER GOING TO GET TO SOMEDAY UNTIL I BECAME A WRITER IN MY MIND. (Yes I realized I just yelled that…but I am acting like the Universe right now and sending you a message of importance. I wanted you to realize I was talking to YOU.)

I was never going to “be” a writer, until I accepted myself as one.

Get it?

Hope was not a strategy.

I had to stop hoping and start claiming.

Then start doing.

And keep doing.

And do some more.

That’s when I noticed that the change in my mind made an overnight change in my “Someday” trajectory.

I went from 25 views a week of my blog post, to 175 views a week….in 90 days. A 700% improvement. All because I flipped the switch in my brain.

So here is the Universe asking you a question. What switch do you need to flip to unlock your Someday? What is it that you “want to be” that you can claim “you are” today? Take that baby step. Right now.

Just flip the switch.

And turn on the lights for all to see.

You will be amazed at how your life changes.


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