by angelahosking | Feb 18, 2018 | Build Your Confidence, Empower Yourself
Enough. Enough that you think you are not enough. All of this not- enoughness is getting way out of hand. Think about it. How many times a day do these thoughts pop into your head? I’m not good enough. Skinny enough. Smart enough. Rich enough. Pretty enough....
by angelahosking | Feb 11, 2018 | Career, Empower Yourself, Workplace
Alison* slipped out of the elevator and cautiously peered around the office corridor. If she could just get past the assistants desk, without Peg seeing her, she might have a shot at escaping the vortex of doom first thing in the morning. Alison’s heart was...
by angelahosking | Feb 6, 2018 | Build Your Confidence, Career, Empower Yourself, Self improvement
Psst… I have a secret. I’m terrible at keeping secrets (just ask my family). But this is a good one to share because I have discovered the secret to YOUR success. So, why would I want to keep that to myself? (That would be selfish of me.) It took me awhile...
by angelahosking | Jan 30, 2018 | Build Your Confidence, Empower Yourself, Self improvement
I should have been excited that my 5 year old daughter was awarded “Monkey Bar Queen”. It was their end of year Kindergarten Awards (because all 5 year olds need an award for surviving Kindergarten) and I was all geeked up that she would be bestowed...
by angelahosking | Jan 21, 2018 | Career, Empower Yourself, Women's Empowerment, Workplace
One book, two glasses of wine, and 5 women changed my life a year ago. I was meeting with my newly formed Female Tribe of six one Thursday night. We were choosing the next book to read for our personal development over a couple of glasses of wine. One of my...
by angelahosking | Jan 14, 2018 | Build Your Confidence, Empower Yourself, Self improvement
It was the darn, lost laundry card that put her over the edge. Melissa* had managed to endure a hard week full of nasty notes from her boss (written in red ink, underlined and highlighted) which fueled her workplace insecurities. She had braved the sub-zero, frigid...