by angelahosking | Dec 11, 2018 | Empower Yourself, Self improvement
Every year like clockwork we proclaim our best New Year’s intentions as the ball drops. This will be the best year! We say. This is the year I will live my best life, be at my fighting weight, start my new career and have a happy love life. And when the...
by angelahosking | Oct 29, 2018 | Build Your Confidence, Career, Empower Yourself
It was like having a technology night-terror. You know, the one where you are standing up to speak in front of a hundred people with this awesome presentation and the entire assortment of electronic components decide, at that moment, not to work- at all? Pure...
by angelahosking | Sep 16, 2018 | Build Your Confidence, Self improvement, Women's Empowerment
Hey there Superwoman. Take a peek at this amazing little feminine superhero! Do you remember your Superpower? There is no way you can look at her and not remember, at a visceral level, who you were as a little girl. See the swagger? See the light in her eyes? See the...
by angelahosking | Aug 14, 2018 | Career, Empower Yourself, Productivity
It’s a three-alarm-day. Or maybe, it’s just a Monday. Either way, your shoes have barely hit the ground and already your best intentions for goal-driven productivity have been diverted by the 911 calls requiring your attention. Is there any way to reclaim...
by angelahosking | Jul 18, 2018 | Build Your Confidence, Career, Empower Yourself
Hey there, sister. What if I told you that you could change the trajectory of success in your life in just 15 minutes a day? (I know, I know…I sound like one of those late night infomercials but I promise I am not selling anything for $19.95.) This 15-minute...